Peeling Paint on Iron Bench by Ernst Haas

Emoter by Tim Hawkinson

The artist share a similarity in these works because they are capturing things we overlook in everyday life. I feel that both works express that we take time to admire the beauty in the things we overlook each day like the look on ones face or benches we sit upon or desks we draw on. To me these artists both show that each moment is a moment worth capturing we just don't pay enough attention to each passing moment. It's like we're so focused on our futures and pasts that we miss some of the little things that are going on right now.
The two artists are also different in the sense that hawkinson's piece is a little bit more out of the ordinary. They both express creativity, however who would've ever thought of connecting a machine like that to make a picture change expression. Haas' captured a moment; just a still moment with nothing changing. But the image hawkinson captured is constantly changed and making faces. It's kind of funny but it's like a person staring back at me and making extreme changes in expression. They also differ in a sense that haas' piece makes me feel pleasure in a feeling of peace and beauty. the leaves and the bench to me feel as if they age together. The picture makes me feel like the bench and the tree are kind of like old friends who grew old together. The bench peeled with age and the tree wilted. It gives me a sense of comfort towards aging and makes me wanna find people i wanna keep with me forever. Hawkinson's work on the other hand gives me pleasure in a sense that it makes me laugh. To me his work is more outrageous, kind of hard to take seriously. However, it does make me remember that I need to take the time to enjoy life. The expressions remind me that no matter if i'm happy, sad, or angry that these emotions are all a part of me and that i need to learn to appreciate myself more.
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