Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Art History Lecture

The only things i can really remember from the lecture was mother teresa in ecstasy and the trajan column. I really liked the bit we talked about on mother teresa because, in response to what she wrote, i would've guessed she was having intercourse with some holy being.  In the piece i remember an angel with a spear and he is going to impale mother teresa in her heart. She has a look like she's loving it though. Her facial expression and the title "ecstasy" suggests that she is in a state of pleasure but at the same time it's kind of wrong. It gave me a new perspective on the so called "saints" in a way that maybe saints aren't as pure as people make them out to be. I mean they are just people after all. The trajan column i thought was cool. Being able to climb all the way to the top of that column and having the trajan font all over the outside of it. In a way it kind of symbolizes the progress in trajan font as it made its way all over the world and, as the video suggests, all over the movie industry. We also talked about people like michaelangelo. I do remember a building that was made and wrecked due to acid rain. i thought it was cool that they built a museum to surround it. I thought it was kind of funny to fill the museum with some fashion stuff though. All in all, I saw many various forms of art during this lecture. It was a lot to process however, it was very fun filled and educational.

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